Monday, November 7, 2011

Finally doing it...

Working on my abs...finally, its super hard...but i am 100% dedicated. I am going to take you all through my journey to a flatter sexier toned belly. Scream it at the top of your lungs...NO MORE BELLY FAT! My first steps towards achieving this goal is to be sure to cut back on all the snacks and extra large dinner plates. Im small but I tend to over eat. I have been drinking more water, everyday. I strive for 72 ounces a day. I mix my water with 100% raw apple cider vinegar. It does some amazing things to the body ladies. Google it! I eat well balanced meals (small) about 6 including snacks...healthy snacks though, I make sure that I have a bottle of my mixture with every meal. I work out everyday. Half hour of each. Stretching, Jump rope, treadmill, Yoga, and variety of ab routines.  I will keep you guys posted. I look forward to the results. 

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Graduation was long, but well worth it. Since then I have been so busy. As I stated in my previous update...i have moved...started an internship...and started working full-time. Yes a lot is on my plate...but Im enjoying every moment. 

what's on the agenda now? I have to stop playing around and get my freaking license. I always seem to put that priority at the bottom of the list. I need to have it before the New Year. Therefore if I don't have my apartment or own my own home before than...i can make that apart my new years resolution.  

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

After Graduation 

Graduation has come and gone. That doesn't mean it's expectable to slack. Remember, you may or may not have entered college with a goal...but you surely graduated with a few. Continue to strive for a better life. Since graduation I have been constantly applying for job within my field. The journey was extremely hard and devastating when I received bad news from possible employers. But it didn't stop me nor discourage me. I continued to remain positive and went on searching. I finally made the decision to move on into a different state. I left NJ and I now reside in Delaware. I absolutely love it out here. I found a internship out in PA once I came here and I am also currently employed. Not within my field of study, but potentially with the company I am managing at, I could eventually work within the corporate headquarters, and possibly work in advertising and marketing maybe even worldwide merchandising. I would absolutely love that. Im stable where I am for now...simply to gain more experience, but my overall goal is to work with a major production company or magazine company. I live for the Media. My next step is to either own my own home...or be at least renting and living on my own within the next few months.


Thursday, November 25, 2010

Next Step...towards Success

Senior year is here and im more than ready to step out into the real world. Applying for internships this semester is my next step. I would enjoy working in any field under media/film. I would love to start off either editing or writing for a small local news paper, simply to gain more exprience. Then later branch off into television production. Before graduation I would like to gain three internships in different area's of Media and Film. I look forward to the many accomplishments I will achieve this year.