Monday, November 7, 2011

Finally doing it...

Working on my abs...finally, its super hard...but i am 100% dedicated. I am going to take you all through my journey to a flatter sexier toned belly. Scream it at the top of your lungs...NO MORE BELLY FAT! My first steps towards achieving this goal is to be sure to cut back on all the snacks and extra large dinner plates. Im small but I tend to over eat. I have been drinking more water, everyday. I strive for 72 ounces a day. I mix my water with 100% raw apple cider vinegar. It does some amazing things to the body ladies. Google it! I eat well balanced meals (small) about 6 including snacks...healthy snacks though, I make sure that I have a bottle of my mixture with every meal. I work out everyday. Half hour of each. Stretching, Jump rope, treadmill, Yoga, and variety of ab routines.  I will keep you guys posted. I look forward to the results. 

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